Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tootie update

I have had several people ask me for an update on our dog Tootie. She was actually doing fairly well on the house-training thing, and then she kind of relapsed. She is starting to drive me a little bonkers, What with the climbing in the garbage can, running around with my laundry, hiding all of Jay's sippy cups, and biting people's toes. However, it is little moments like this that make me keep her around longer.
After fighting with the dog, and complaining about her all day, Tyler asked if she could go to bed with him. I told him sure, and ten minutes later this is how I found them. Pretty cute. However, I was quick to move Tootie and put her in her crate for the night. I didn't want to wash dog pee out of the comforter...again. But that was washing out of Jay's bedding before. The bottom bunk is a lot easier to jump onto. Needless to say, we now keep the bedroom doors closed. The door closing started because of her need to climb up INTO the box-springs on the bed. No hole to climb up through? Apparently not a problem...she makes her own.


Tanya Dow said...

My kids love to take lucy to bed with them. Cats are slightly less destuctive than dogs - and they use a litter box! Cute pic of Ty and Tootie!!

The Newton's said...

What funny stories. They helped remind me that I don't think I have enough patience for a dog at this time in my life.

RaeAnn said...

Do you know that everytime I see your puppy I putting on my pouty face and ask Paul if we can PLEASE get a dog? I have been diligent and yet unsuccessful. Keep posting, so I remember to keep attempting!