So as most of you know Kevin is a teacher/coach at a SUPER small school in Idaho. Really..there are about 50 kids in the highschool. There is only one building for all the grades,K-12. But what you may not know is that he is also the student council advisor. I guess when you work at a tiny school you have to do a ton of different things. Last week was homecoming week, and between coaching, and being in charge of all the homecoming activites, we hardly ever saw him. Let me just give you a little insight into our lives here. This town gets TOTALLY into their homecoming week. I am talking the whole town. There is a different homecoming activity EVERY night of the week, they have a special coranation show for the royalty one night and the ENTIRE town shows up for it. They have a parade on the day of the football game, with a tail gate party after, and of course, the big dance. Now, I am all for community spirit, but at my house, homecoming week is OVERLOAD!!! But heaven forbid we get rid of any of these activities because every single one is a tradition that has been around since like 1910 or something crazy like that. Anyhow, since Kevin is in charge of the homecoming dance, guess who gets to chaperone every year? That's right-us. This is the fourth year we have done it, and let me tell you, we are awesome at decorating a school gym. I wanted to take a picture this year just so I could blog and show you all how small of a dance this is. There were a whopping 35 kids at the dance, and we have to partition off 1/4 of the gym just so they have a place small enough to have their dance. I will say that they do still end up having fun, and they don't know any different, so it doesn't bother them. It does however, kill me every year.

Believe it or not, this is the majority of the kids dancing
Kevin's football team did win their game also, so that made it an even better dance.
THAT made me laugh. Look at the bright side - you only have to decorate 1/4 of the gym and not the whole thing!
That's pretty hilarious! If that girls dress was more modest I might have mistaken it for a church youth POE stake dance.
Oh how I wish I could be there to see that! So funny. I bet you guys rocked the dance floor. Or did you have to be constantly watching the room for an unsuspected outsider to venture on to the dance floor? I miss you. This reminded me of MORP with the viking hats. Oh the days of long ago. And NO NO NO we are NOT ready for #3 baby yet. Can't even think of it. 2 is enough work for now.
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