Monday, November 2, 2009


Here are the promised pictures from Halloween night.Al three boys ready to roll

Tiger CamCam and Jay trick-or-treat in style

So happy with their loot


Loralee and the gang... said...

So cute, too!

Melissa said...

nice! Your boys are so cute. I love the last picture of Tyler so excited!

Jon and Kari-Lynn Tarleton said...

guess spiderman was a hit this year :)!!!! no we didn't move back. jon is studying for boards so we came up for a month. he visited last weekend and we have 2 more weeks left until we go back. i can't wait until boards are over :)

Derrick and Rachel said...

Um, what the what? Is cam walking already?? Why is my child so behind:) haha Ok, they are so cute, and they all look like brothers...I LOVE it. Yes Cam and Payton have the same b-day...did this last year cruise for you? I am in total shock. Does the 3rd one seem to grow faster than the frist 2? B/C I feel that Payton is growing up way faster than Presley did at this age. Well I wrote too much...btw we live in Wenatchee WA. Heard of it?