Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Little "Idiots"

Tyler wanted to have an art project to do yesterday. All I could come up with, spur-of-the moment, were Indian hat things. I traced the boys' hands to use as the "feathers" and let them color a headband to connect them to. Tyler thought it was pretty cool. They had fun doing it,and it took them away from the t.v. for awhile. The only bad thing was that Ty kept calling them "idiot" hats. He didn't really know what indians were, and I guess idiots is the only word he knows that sounds like indian. It was pretty funny. All day long I had to keep making him say "indian".

I am pretty sure Jay is coloring the chair here.
You can't even see the hats here,but Tyler has a great face in this one

Jay kept taking his off, and putting it on the pumpkins. And yes-I do still have jack-o-lanterns on my porch.

Ty was so proud of his,he even wore it over to the school and told everyone about how he made his "idiot" hat.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

HA! Idiot hat, I love it!